Delivery Charges
If you would like to know how much delivery will be, click on the ‘Add to Basket’ button and the delivery charge will be displayed inside your shopping basket. Orders are calculated on the total weight of the shopping basket, during the check-out process the shopping basket will present you with the options available for your order and the price for each option.
All orders over £50 will automatically qualify for FREE delivery.
Handling Times
Orders that are placed on Monday to Friday will be dispatched on the next working day. Orders that are received over the weekend will be dispatched on the following Monday or on the first available working day.
Delivery Destinations
We currently only take orders through the website for delivery to the following locations: Bailiwick of Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man and the United Kingdom. We aim to deliver Bailiwick of Guernsey orders within 2 working days and Jersey, Isle of Man and the United Kingdom orders within 4 working days from the day of dispatch but please allow up to 10 working days before contacting us
Worldwide Orders
If you live outside the Bailiwick of Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man and the United Kingdom and would like to place an order please send us a message and we will get back to you with further information and a price for shipping.